what if…? Episode 5 Takeaway: The MCU series delivers its most disturbing episode with zombies and an undead Thanos

fifth episode of Marvel Studios animated series What If…?, What if… Zombies!?, was all about, well, zombies. This may be the most upsetting episode for MCU fans, even more so than the third episode, in which the original Avengers died before they became the Avengers.

To see someone you love or admire dead must be better than seeing lifeless demons trying to devour you.

Spoilers ahead!

What if… zombies!? In 2011, superheroes such as Tony Stark and Doctor Strange are infected with a virus that was first contracted by Janet Van Dyne in the Quantum Realm. He infected Hank Pym and then let the virus loose in the world. When the world’s mightiest superheroes were infected, there was little hope for others. Spider-Man, Hope Van Dyne, Okoye, Sharon Carter and Happy Hogan are just a few people out there.

Here are some things we need to talk about:

1. Visionwanda?

what if wanda Wanda as a zombie. (Photo: Marvel Studios)

In WandaVision, Wanda connects with him a Vision, who was too dead, to live an imaginary life. In the process, she willingly enslaves thousands of people to play roles in a small-town sitcom. What If… Zombies!? In, the reverse happens. Vision is responsible for feeding the living people to keep Wanda alive, even if she is a zombie.

2. A Zombified Scarlet Witch!

We know Wanda or Scarlet Witch is super-powerful (probably the most powerful character ever in the MCU), and granted, she just isn’t quite right. But what if…? In 1893, he was zombified and fed well by the Vision who sacrificed anyone who came near him. The idea of ​​Scarlet Witch going insane is just as horrifying as we saw in WandaVision, but what if…? Showed what would have happened if she had completely lost her marbles. And it was not beautiful.

3. Wakanda as the last safe haven

It is unbelievable that Wakanda is the last place in the world still resisting the tide of zombies. It has a force-field that makes it impossible for cannibal monsters to break into its defences. However, if dead superheroes come here, they can damage the force-field and overtake Wakanda. It’s likely that we won’t see a resolution to the conflict, but it’s fun to speculate and wonder whether the living will win the war in the end.

4. Zombies but not totally dumb zombies?

Captain America, what if A zombified Captain America. (Photo: Marvel Studios)

Unlike most zombies we see in movies like 28 Days Later and TV shows like The Walking Dead, The Zombies in What If…? are not dumb. At least, they’re not completely dumb. For example, even after Tony became a zombie, he knew how to use his powers. Ditto Doctor Strange and Wong. If they were dumb, the alternate world shown in the episode wouldn’t have been such a mess in the first place. Aside from the fact that they aren’t completely stupid, zombification works the same way in the episode. If a zombie bites or bites (with the fingernail) an uninfected person, they become a zombie.

5. T’Challa’s touching words

So, What If… T’Challa Became Star-Lord?, the second episode of the series, was not Chadwick Boseman’s final performance. He also acts in zombie episodes. Not only that, he repeats words spoken in Captain America: Civil War – “In my culture, death is not the end” – to comfort a grieving Peter Parker. The line becomes even more poignant after Boseman’s death from Cologne. cancer Last year.

    Thanos, Thanos what if Thanos, the zombie with the Infinity Gauntlet with the Mind Stone, is missing. (Photo: Marvel Studios)

Honourable Mention

Zombie Thanos With An (Incomplete) Infinity Gauntlet – The Mad Titan Is Now Crazy. He is only missing the Mind Stone, Mind You, and he is in possession of the survivors. If he gets it, he will probably destroy the entire universe. A living Thanos was also not very fair.


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