What exactly is Pastry flour? What makes it so different from other flours? , The Times of India

Wheat flour is the main ingredient in baking most delicacies. However, wheat flour gluten is the main ingredient, which develops the dough by trapping the moisture from air, which helps the dough to rise. Wheat flour has a starchy texture, which forms the dough by starch gelatinization. Pastry flour is obtained by mixing wheat flour with soft flours by the process of milling.

On the other hand, Pastry flour is usually bleached for commercial uses. However, it can also be made by adding no additives. Bleaching the flour may reduce the natural yellowish color and make the flour appear bright white. The presence of protein in flour gives it elasticity, which gives baked delights the right texture and chewiness. However, what makes Pastry flour different is the presence of low gluten content, which makes the delicacies thin, tender and crisp as compared to high gluten flours which are used to make pizza crusts, buns and cookies. This also makes Pastry flour comparatively healthier than all purpose flour.
