‘What decision has been taken regarding transfer of teachers?’

Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar became active again. Then the incident of poisoning five teachers came to the fore again. However, everyone is alive by playing poison. A case has been registered against the leader of the organization for abetting the teachers to commit suicide. Teacher leader Maidul Islam has been under house arrest for 11 consecutive days since the incident. Why has he been placed under house arrest? A letter was sent by Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar about this.

Teacher Ekta Mukta Manch started agitation for transfer of contract teachers. In this regard, the members of the organization met the Governor and demanded his intervention. They had gone to the Raj Bhavan on September 1. This time Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar has written a letter to the Chief Secretary of the Education Department. In that letter, it was directly asked that what decision has been taken regarding the transfer of teachers?

Maidul Islam is under house arrest for the last 11 days. Maidul told the media about this, ‘Police and IB are patrolling outside the house day and night. He can be arrested only if he sets foot outside the house. Therefore, I cannot apply for anticipatory bail in the court. This is my father-in-law’s house. Elderly mother-in-law, wife, two brothers-in-law and my 2 year old son. Everyone is scared.’

Significantly, it is alleged that he had persuaded the teachers to give poison. Based on this allegation, the police went to arrest him. But when it comes to arrest, there is an overnight wrangling between the two sides. He later complained that he could not leave the house despite the temporary problem being resolved due to the intervention of the court. In such a situation, the letter of the Governor is considered very important.
