What are the signs that your children need attention?

Last Update: February 11, 2023, 15:05 IST

As a parent, you always want the best for your child and want them to be happy and healthy.

As a parent, you always want the best for your child and want them to be happy and healthy.

If your child is usually outgoing, but becomes withdrawn or anxious around other people, this could be a sign that they need your attention.

Whether you work from an office or from home or are a stay-at-home parent, you need to balance every aspect of your life. One such aspect is parenting your child. As a parent, you always want the best for your child and want them to be happy and healthy.

However, sometimes it can be difficult to give them all the attention they need. Though these children become self dependent amidst busy parents, but it affects them mentally. Let us tell you about the signs that you should pay attention to to know that they need your attention:

anxious around other people

If your child is usually outgoing, but becomes withdrawn or anxious around other people, this may indicate that they need your attention. They may feel like they have to compete for your attention and may therefore be withdrawing from others.

going negative

Sometimes children say such things for attention which you do not like. In such a situation, the child becomes negative towards his parents and deliberately behaves badly in front of them. In such a situation, instead of getting angry with them, understand that they are doing this to get your attention.

clingy behavior

Children may display clingy behavior for a variety of reasons. The reason behind this could be because they are being given too much attention or due to lack or insufficiency of attention. Either way, parents need to be careful. Clinginess often arises because they want to feel safe and secure. That said, if you find your child grabbing at you or following you, it’s time to understand why.

being aggressive

Children seeking attention often resort to aggressive behavior. This can include throwing things including toys, hitting and harming themselves, which can put them and others around them at risk. This is one of the best ways for them to get instant attention of their parents.

cry more

If you don’t pay attention to the baby for several days, he may overreact and say whatever he wants. Children who are introverts and cannot open up may start over-reacting to small things and start crying over small things. It means they need you.

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