Weight Loss Story: “With a customized diet plan and an hour of walking daily, I lost 18 kilos” The Times of India

– drink plenty of water

– Walk for at least 45 minutes

– Learn to say no (to unhealthy food)

Lessons learned from losing weight: If I can do it, anyone can. Weight loss is a journey that you cannot achieve in a day or two. You need focus and motivation. Apart from this, you also need to be consistent and patient with your efforts to see the changes taking place in your body.

When you’re on your quest to lose weight, you have to be your own motivation and persuade yourself to keep going, no matter what the circumstances. Plus, once you start seeing results, there’s no turning back!

If you have a weight loss story to share, send it to us at toi.health1@gmail.com

These thoughts are not general in nature. Weight loss results vary from person to person and the views shared in this article do not guarantee specific results. The material is in no way intended as a substitute for professional advice.
