Weekly Tarot Card Readings 2023: Horoscope June 4 To June 10 For All Zodiacs


This week your love life can be full of ups and downs. You may feel pulled in two different directions, and making the right decision can be difficult. Be careful of differences with your spouse. On the career side, you are nearing the end of a process. Things are finally coming to a close. Don’t be afraid to lead – you have the right skills and mindset to succeed.


You will get the fruit of love this week. Look for opportunities to find happiness within. Consider the emotional and practical aspects of your romantic relationship. Talking about career, there are chances of success. Take concrete steps towards your goals thoughtfully and stay open minded and focused. You may receive guidance from an unexpected source and an appreciation for small details and progress. This time is favorable for changing jobs.


This week you should be balanced in your career and love life. It’s important to have a deep connection with the people close to you, but don’t let emotions control your life. Be open to communication and willing to collaborate with co-workers and partners. Take enough time to express your opinion and compromise is needed. If you stay grounded, this week is going to bring contentment and joy.


This week your love life can get a little derailed. You may experience a lack of satisfaction in the present relationship. There can also be a feeling of stagnation in career. Unfortunately, a solution may seem out of reach, so it’s best to take a break and focus on other aspects of your life. However, now is the time to actively pursue new opportunities and step out of your comfort zone.


This week, you need to re-evaluate your long-term goals in terms of life and love. Explore creative solutions to difficult problems and see where you put your energy. Use your grit and courage to achieve your professional goals, but don’t overcommit by biting off more than you can chew. You will get the support of your seniors. Investment in real estate will bring positive results.


This week you will get the benefit of some generosity in your love life. Whether it’s an act of kindness toward your partner or helping a friend in need, it can be a rewarding experience. You may have an important decision on the career front, such as a new career or job. Be restrained and do not let anyone dominate you. Go with your gut, be logical, and be mindful of the consequences of your choices.


Stagnation, apathy and loneliness can block the happiness in your relationship. Single, don’t be afraid to be selective in accepting love and don’t get caught up in superficial relationships just for the sake of it. Professionally, you may feel a little overwhelmed with what you need to do. Consider carefully which possibilities you might pursue and make sure you weigh the options carefully – don’t rush into decisions you may regret.


Your career can lay the foundation for more success this week. Whether you’re self-employed, searching for a new job or focusing on a promotion, pay attention to details. Don’t be afraid to be bold and take risks in terms of love. Finances can be an area for negotiation – think clearly before committing to anything that could send you down an uncertain path.


Your love forecast is hopeful, but don’t get complacent; Pay attention to your relationships and make sure they are strong. Be aware of old behavior patterns that may be holding you back. Try to see things from a new perspective. Have faith that all your efforts will be worth it. Professionally, there may be delays and slow progress, but your hard work and patience will pay off in the end.


A pleasant surprise awaits you this week. You and your partner will enjoy a harmonious and happy time which will bring out the best in both of you. Some of you may have to make a choice in the matter of love. You may see a change in your position at the workplace. Believe in yourself and your abilities – you can face any challenge. Stay grounded and prepared, and you’ll come out on top.


Connecting with your significant other or potential partner will bring hope and positivity. An increase in communication and understanding marks this period as one of harmony and peace. Be sharp, be strategic and maintain a competitive position in the workplace. Be mindful with information and know that you can overcome any opposition. Avoid indulging in office politics and unnecessary gossip.


This week, slow down and focus on yourself. Responsibilities at home and work can make you tired and increase the workload. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and your intentions. At work, this is a time for creativity and new ideas. Use this time to brainstorm and develop new solutions to obstacles coming your way professionally. Be open to new possibilities, and let your intuition guide you.

(These tarot card predictions are by Chhavi Upadhyay, who is a Delhi based, Intuitive Tarot Practitioner and Consultant)