‘We have come through test of fire’: EAM S Jaishankar on India’s fight against COVID with second wave

New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Thursday addressed the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) annual session 2021 via video conferencing.

The External Affairs Minister addressed the CII Annual Meeting 2021 on its second day as the virtual event began on Wednesday with an address by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

EAM S Jaishankar elaborated on India’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying that during the initial outbreak “we stood out for 2 reasons – one, we were decisive and largely effective in what we did. caught us when our health infrastructure was very rudimentary, especially in terms of what we need to do for COVID”.

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He said, “All of that was made out of nothing at that time and everyone went ahead, I think the industry has done a wonderful job, the government has taken the initiative to inspire people to understand the seriousness of what happened,” he said. Made every effort to.” by news agency ANI.

Emphasizing on India’s initiative in helping other countries, Jaishankar said: “We were a country that stepped out, helped others, sent medicines, sent medical teams, continued to supply food to those for whom It was very important, as the Gulf. So was a lot. Today I get expressions of gratitude for what we did during that period.”

Talking further about the COVID crisis, the External Affairs Minister said, “Initially, the world looked at us and wondered how any country can deal with such a caseload and the gravity of the pandemic… Where we are today, I think the world understands and we appreciate that we have pulled up our socks, shown national resolve. We have come through the ordeal”.

S Jaishankar then while acknowledging the world’s support to India during the COVID second wave crisis said that “the way we helped others in the first wave, I think the world stands with us in the second wave in many ways, Especially in context. Oxygen supplies, oxygenators, medicines”.

The theme of the CII Annual Meeting is ‘India@75: Government and business working together for a self-reliant India’.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who addressed the CII Annual Meeting 2021 on Wednesday, talked about the steps taken by the government that led to record FDI in India.
“Government stands with industry,” PM Modi said while taking an optimistic view about the Indian economy now picking up momentum.

On abolishing the retroactive tax, he said his government had “undoed” the “mistakes of the past”.

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