WATCH: World’s richest man, Jeff Bezos, thanks and thanks Amazon employees for paying for their space travel – Times of India

After landing on its nearly 10-minute flight to the edge of space, heroine Founder Jeff Bezos thanked those who asked to help him make this happen. And that includes everyone who has shopped on Amazon. “I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer. Because you guys paid for all of this,” Bezos said. He said he finances The Rocket Company by selling $1 billion in Amazon stock every year. Bezos founded Amazon and his rocket company in 1994 blue original Eight years later in the year 2002.

The former Amazon CEO blasted off into space on Blue Origin’s maiden flight on July 20. This day was specially chosen by Bezos because it is . marked the 52nd anniversary of Apollo 11 lunar landing. Bezos’s New Shepard rocket is also named after America’s first astronaut.
Going into space was reportedly a dream for Bezos since his high school days. “Best day ever!” Bezos said when the capsule fell on the desert floor in far west Texas. He was accompanied by a select group that included his brother, an 18-year-old from the Netherlands, and an 82-year-old aviation pioneer from Texas.
Bezos becomes second billionaire after Virgin Galactic’s Richard to ride his own spacecraft Branson Earlier this month moved its own flight out of New Mexico.
During Tuesday’s (July 20) flight, Blue Origin’s capsule reached an altitude of about 66 miles (106 kilometers), 10 miles (16 kilometers) higher than Branson’s July 11 ride. The 60-foot (18-m) booster accelerated to Mach 3, or three times the speed of sound, to achieve a sufficiently high speed, before detaching the capsule and landing straight.
Unlike Branson’s piloted rocket plane, Bezos’s capsule was fully automated and the up-and-down flight required no official personnel on board.
(with agency input)


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