Washington: ‘Shooting’ at US Army base was an ‘exercise’, no casualties: Official – Times of India

Washington: A Reported Shooting Feather united states armyHighly secure ft. meade base answer Washington A base official said Thursday was just an exercise, with no casualties.
After another official confirmed the incident to AFP, the head of plans and operations at the base, Andrew Arconti, told AFP it was a well-planned event for such an emergency.
“The reports of the shooting at Fort Meade are false. It was a well-planned exercise,” Base said in a later statement.
Initially, various base officers confirmed to US media that there was an “active shooter” who had been “implied”.
Initial reports attracted attention because Ft. meade, in Maryland, about 25 miles (40 km) north of Washington, is home to the government’s largest and most secret signals intelligence agency, the National Security Agency, as well as the US Cyber ​​Command, which conducts offensive and defensive cyber operations.
