Want to live for over 90 YEARS? Secrets of a LONG life revealed – check basic tips

The source of youth may remain elusive and immortality may forever remain an impossible dream, but who doesn’t want to live a long life? Life is a gift that most human beings want to enjoy for as long as possible. But to enjoy a long life, it is necessary to have good health. So you want to live to 100? Well, no one can promise you that, but let’s look at some tips from experts and centenarians around the world that can help you live a long, healthy life.

Eat Well: The Right Diet

German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach said in 1848 “We are what we eat”. And this cannot be emphasized enough! Eating right is very important to live a long life. Less processed food, more vegetables and fruits, cutting down on red meat and consuming lean meat and fish instead – these are some basic eating habits. It’s also important to note that as you get older, you should eat more of certain types of food and less of certain types of food. For example, as we age, we need to consume fewer daily servings of whole grain foods. But our calcium needs add up – 50 for women and 70 for men. Also remember that each person has different nutritional needs. So consult a doctor or a professional dietician and act accordingly.

Stay Active: Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important at any age. When we are young, we get our daily dose of physical exercise – with our sports, games, or lessons such as swimming or dancing. But as we get older, and we get busier, especially in job and family life, many of us stop exercising and get used to leading a sedentary life. But this is a big deal. Experts say that it is necessary to exercise for at least 30 minutes 5-6 days a week. Check with a medical expert or trainer about the right type of exercise for your health and age. Strength training is especially important for women who have reached menopause and they become more vulnerable to osteoporosis.

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Regular health checkup is necessary

Even if you feel healthy, do not skip regular health check-ups. Get yourself checked annually and some basic tests include liver function test, kidney function test, complete blood count and lipid profile (to check cholesterol levels). Depending on your age, the doctor will recommend heart health tests and of course different types of cancer screening. Also, stay up-to-date with vaccines after getting checked by a doctor. Of course, thyroid, blood pressure and blood sugar level should be checked from late 20s or early 30s and if you have these conditions, you should take medicines regularly. Women should visit a gynecologist regularly for gynecological problems.

keep your weight under control

Not everyone can achieve that amazing model-like figure, but make sure you maintain a healthy body weight. Obesity can lead to many health problems – high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems – and hence one must eat healthy and exercise to keep obesity at bay.

take care of your mental health

As we are developing, we are increasingly realizing the importance of mental health. ‘Happiness’ is an important factor when it comes to your life expectancy and it directly affects your physical health and also the health of your family and loved ones. One important thing for good mental health is our social connections. Especially as you get older—when your partying days are over and you have fewer activities to pack your days with—staying connected takes on all the more importance. Join an activity group, talk to loved ones on the phone regularly, and visit family and friends — in short, stay connected. As we all read in our social science textbooks, human beings are social animals and we need social relationships to survive and thrive.

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(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for the advice of a medical expert. Zee News does not confirm the same.)