Want to get out of bed early in the morning? These 5 tips will help you

Want to get out of bed early in the morning?  These 5 tips will help you
Image Source : Instagram/National Sleep Foundation

Want to get out of bed early in the morning? These 5 tips will help you


  • If you do a morning ritual, your whole day will be better and more productive.
  • The temptation to go back to sleep after getting up early is to be avoided at all costs.
  • Exercise early in the morning and avoid using cell phones while lying in bed

A tiring day certainly leads to a good night’s sleep but waking up the next day can be of use to many. Especially during winters, or if the AC is turned on in summer, getting out of a warm and comfortable bed can seem like a big effort. Some people try to stay for as long as possible in the absence of proper morning rituals and instead rush things before starting the day. Snooze mode comes in handy for a while even after the alarm goes off and time is wasted. So how can you get out of bed faster without getting angry about it? Here are some tips that can make your morning feel energized, productive, and overall better.

Allow natural light to seep in before you go to sleep

One of the benefits of getting up early in the morning is the light and warmth of the sun’s rays. Do not rob yourself of the pleasures of nature and make sure to open your room curtains or blinds, even partially, before sleeping at night. The sun reminds our mind and body that it is day and we should stay awake and ready for the day.

put your alarm clock off the bed

Keeping the alarm clock at a distance from the bed will force you to leave the bed all at once. If you have to get out of bed just to turn off the alarm, avoid the temptation to go to bed again because doing so could put you into a deep sleep before you know it.

work out

Having a planned workout routine in the morning will make your day better. You will feel energized in the morning and have the energy to go through the day without taking a nap. It will also help your body feel better in the long run. If you’re not used to working out at all, start slowly but focus on being consistent. Before you know it, exercising will become part of your system and a good excuse to get out of bed without wasting more time than necessary.

stick to a routine

Creating a routine will help you manage your time and life better. Sleep at a certain time in the night and wake up at a certain time. If you have extra time, get up early and find things to do. Fun activities like playing, spending time with a friend or doing other things that make you feel happy will naturally make you want to get out of bed early and not look for an excuse to spend those extra 5-10 minutes in bed. If you stick to a daily routine, you won’t need an alarm clock to wake you up, let alone the temptation to sleep longer than necessary.

Avoid cell phone use in the morning

Cell phones are a huge distraction at any time of day. Most people who are woken up by the sound of an alarm spend time on their phones while lying in bed. If you have to use the phone in the morning, then fix the time and use it only till it is absolutely necessary. Remember, once you’ve completed your fixed morning routine, you’ll have plenty of time to spend with the phone during the day. Also, avoid using the phone during late nights as it will disturb your sleep cycle and will naturally lead to late morning hours.

DisclaimerSuggestions and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regimen or medical advice.
