Want to delete unnecessary files from your Android phone? 5 Alternatives You Must Try

Is your Android smartphone sluggish, glitchy, or performing poorly in general? It is conceivable that your gadget is nearing the end of its storage capacity. Many of us run out of storage space with all the images and movies we capture. And it’s always at the most inconvenient times—a baby’s first move, a celebrity encounter, or humorous pet antics.

It doesn’t matter if your Android phone has expandable capacity via microSD card; You use whatever space you allocate, be it 32GB or 200GB. Here are some simple ways to free up space on your Android cellphone.

Clear Cache: Most Android apps use saved – or cached – data to provide a better experience. Cached data can save some time (and data), however, files kept in app cache are just for convenience and not necessary. If you need to free up space on your phone immediately, App Cache should be your first stop.

To clear cached data from a single app, navigate to Settings > Applications > Application Manager and select the application to be modified. To clear an app’s cache, go to the app’s application details menu, touch Storage, and then press Clear cache. To clear cached data from all apps go to Settings > Storage and hit on Cached data.

Delete all old email attachments or downloaded files: While it’s convenient to be able to view documents attached to emails and view photos in your chat app, you don’t always need to have them. These old files are easy to locate and remove.

Open your app tray on Android and navigate to the Downloads folder. To delete a file, tap and hold it, then choose Delete.

Regularly clear junk from Files by Google: With a few clicks, Files by Google examines your device and provides recommendations for clearing storage space on your phone. The program also helps you keep your device clutter-free by providing you with periodic alerts to remove junk or temporary files that slow down your phone’s performance.

Back up your data to the cloud: Using a cloud service to store your data can help you save a lot of space. You can delete your data from your device after backing up to the cloud. Google Drive, which comes with 15GB of free space, is the logical choice for an Android user. Apart from Google, the following are some of the most popular cloud storage services:

  • Dropbox: A free account has 2GB of storage capacity.
  • OneDrive is the first tier, with 5GB of free storage.

Click on the ‘Free Up Space’ button: Navigate to Settings > Device Maintenance > Storage. Please be aware that on some Android phones, “device maintenance” may be replaced with “device care”. You should see a button that says “Free up storage space” or “Free up space.” When you tap it, your phone will start the process of creating additional storage space. It accomplishes this by deleting the files that you have already backed up.

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