Want to Build Muscle? Here are some effective tips to do it the right way

After losing weight, building muscle is the second biggest reason why many of us are giving such a huge percentage of our salary to the best gyms in town. But it is not as easy as it seems. Building muscle requires proper focus, perseverance, long-term commitment and just the right amount of everything because muscle building improves your muscle definition and lean body appearance.

While doing this, you should be aware of the limitations of your body, as over-stressing your body can lead to muscle strain. It is always suggested to take training under experts, who will be able to guide you better after going through the requirements of your body. So here are some tips to build muscle the right way:

  1. pay attention to your diet
    If you want to build muscle, then you must include calories, protein and carbs in your diet. For lasting muscle gain without gaining excess fat, you should aim to include 300–500 calories, 1.6 g of protein per kg of body weight and 0.5–1.5 g of carbs per kg of body weight.
  2. Remember to rest between your sets
    During our workout sessions, we want to go outside, and we can stress our bodies while doing so. But remember that taking shorter intervals in between sets can increase the number of sets, resulting in greater muscle power.
  3. don’t forget to stretch
    It is extremely important to take 10 minutes after every workout and make time for stretching. Because it helps in keeping the muscles flexible and healthy.
  4. Include fruits in your diet
    The benefits of fruits need no new introduction. You should always keep in mind that there are many fruits which are rich in many vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, attention should not be paid to them.
  5. start light
    Last but not the least, if you are a beginner, you should go for rest and give your body more time to adjust to the new workout routine. Starting with a light workout will help avoid any kind of injury or muscle strain.

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