Vitamin B12 to Vitamin D, What Women Over 50 Must Have in Their Diet

After the age of 50, most of us face Vitamin B6 deficiency.

After the age of 50, most of us face Vitamin B6 deficiency.

Our body does not produce vitamins on its own, and hence, we need to consume specific food and beverages.

As we age, we have to face various health related problems. Vitamin deficiency is quite common in women above the age of 50. Lack of vitamin-rich diet makes you physically weak, which leads to joint pain, bone fractures and psychological and neurological problems. Our body does not produce vitamins on its own. For this, we should consume food and beverages rich in vitamins. According to Medical News Today, here are some essential vitamins that women must consume to keep themselves healthy and young even after the age of 50.

vitamin b12

Consuming foods rich in Vitamin B12 is considered the best source of energy. It is recommended to include foods such as dairy products, animal products, chicken, fish, egg, milk, meat and yeast in your diet.

vitamin D

Vitamin D supplementation is also necessary for women above 50 years of age. It not only boosts immunity but also helps fight depression, anxiety and fatigue. Dairy products, eggs and fish are considered the best sources of vitamin D. You can also sit outside in the sun for a while and absorb Vitamin D.

Vitamin B6

After the age of 50, most of us face Vitamin B6 deficiency. To stay healthy and fit, it is important to consume foods rich in Vitamin B6. Carrots, spinach, bananas, milk, chicken and kalonji are considered to be the best sources of vitamin B6.

Apart from vitamins, women must also include calcium-rich foods in their diet. They help strengthen your bones and reduce the chances of fractures. They should consume dairy products, dry fruits, seeds, fish, beans, cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables, soybeans and tofu to meet calcium deficiency.

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