Vishnu Mishra Introduced From Pune, Despatched To Jail | Varanasi Information – Instances of India

Varanasi: Vishnu Mishra, the son of jailed muscleman politician Vijay Mishra, arrested by STF from Pune on July 24 and delivered to Bhadohi on Wednesday late night time, was despatched to the district jail in judicial custody after producing him earlier than the court docket on Thursday.
SP Bhadohi Dr Anil Kumar stated that after the STF group reached Bhadohi, Vishnu was produced earlier than the court docket of chief judicial Justice of the Peace on Thursday. Later, the court docket ordered to ship him to jail, he stated mentioning chargesheet had already been filed within the instances of property grabbing, threatening and gang rape lodged in 2020.
Vishnu saved dodging police for nearly two years earlier than he was arrested by the STF from Pune in Maharashtra. Earlier than settling in a flat of Oxygen Valley cooperative society of Pune, Vishnu had been hiding in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Goa and different cities whereas as a substitute of cellphones he used Panama primarily based VPN to keep away from approaching radar of cops, stated police. tnn