Angry Mickey Johar tells fellow MK Idit Silman: ‘Answer me like a good girl’

“Answer me like a good girl,” said Likud MK Mickey Zohar to the chairman of the…

Health ministry announces coronavirus form for outgoing passengers

The health ministry announced on Monday that every Israeli citizen over the age of 16 must…

Rafale made a new record, flying 17000 km without stopping in 12 hours

Rafale fighter jet has broken its previous record and has set a new record of flying…

This is blasphemy: Pakistani retailer refuses to deliver food in Ahmadiyya area

A Pakistani online retailer has refused to deliver food ordered online, saying it is blasphemy in…

Israeli life science firms raised a record $2.5 billion in 2020 – report

2020 was a record fundraising year for Israel’s life sciences industry, with health tech firms raising…

AstraZeneca tests COVID booster shots against beta-variant

Image Source: AP AstraZeneca tests COVID booster shots against beta-variant (Representational Image) British-Swedish biopharmaceutical firm AstraZeneca,…

Current vaccines less effective against beta version of Kovid-19: Study

A study of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has suggested that…

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven resigns after losing trust vote

Sweden’s Prime Minister Stefan Lofven resigned on Monday, a week after losing a no-confidence motion, leaving…

Poland hopes Israel will change its view on World War II claims law – Times of India

Warsaw: Polandthe deputy foreign minister said on Monday that he hoped that Israel Will change his…

Knesset. Vote to split Likud bill advances in

The Knesset Arrangement Committee voted on Monday to waive the cooling-off period and accelerate a bill…