Argentina beat Brazil, won the Copa America title

Argentina won their first major title in 28 years on Saturday when a goal from Angel…

Stop ransomware hackers or US will strike back, Joe Biden warns Putin – Times of India

New York: President Joe Biden warned the president putin of Russia On Friday, time was running…

California wildfires advance as heat wave blankets US West

Image Source: AP Embers blow over an area as the Sugar Fire, part of the Beckworth…

Taliban enter Kandahar city – Times of India

Acceptance: Taliban The military on Friday entered a new phase of a sweeping insurgent offensive in…

90-year-old Belgian woman who died of COVID was infected with 2 strains at once

PARIS – A 90-year-old woman who died after falling ill with Covid-19 was infected with both…

Thailand open for tourism on COVID-free island

On 1 July, Thailand launched a program called “Phuket Sandbox” to bring back tourism To the…

‘An incredible day’: Charlottesville relieved as Confederate statues removed

Charlottesville, Virginia (AP) – Cheers erupted on Saturday as a Confederate statue that stood for nearly…

Memento of IDF jawan stolen from family for second time

A hard drive containing photos and written correspondence Bnaya RubelA soldier and his family, who were…

Explosion heard near US base in eastern Syria – report

An explosion was heard near the Conoco gas field, where US-backed forces are located, in eastern…

Erdogan says hosting Abbas, will not keep silent on ‘Israeli persecution’

According to reports, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas held talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan…