VIDEO of saving life in Telangana: Woman falls while trying to catch train in Secunderabad, constable saved; Railway’s Hidayat – Zindagi is not a Bollywood film

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  • Indian Railways RPF constable Telangana rescues women falling gap coach platform CCTV video

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A constable of the Indian Railways saved the life of a female passenger on Friday in Secunderabad, Telangana. Due to the constable’s alertness, the woman was saved from falling into the gap between the coach and the platform while boarding the moving train. The Railway Ministry has shared the video of the incident, which was captured in the CCTV camera.

The ministry tweeted, ‘Life is not like a scene from a Bollywood movie. It is much more valuable. She was fortunate that she was saved because of the timely action of the RPF personnel. Do not board or alight a moving train. stay alert. Be safe!’

Woman fell between coach and platform
The video has gone viral on social media. People are praising RPF constable Dinesh Singh. It is seen in the video that the woman tries to jump on the moving train. During this, she slips and falls between the coach and the platform. The train also drags him for some distance. As soon as Singh is seen, they drag him back to the platform. Some other people also come forward to help.

Similar incident happened in Prayagraj on 31st July
On July 31, a similar incident was reported from Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh. A person was trying to get down from the train leaving Prayagraj station. His leg got stuck in the gap between the train and the platform and started being dragged along by the high speed Brahmaputra Special. The RPF constable present there took swift action and saved his life by dragging him towards the platform.

Constable saved his life in Kurla, Mumbai
Piyush Goyal, the then Railway Minister, praised the constable and also shared the video on Twitter. Last month, a second RPF constable had saved a man at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus in Kurla, Mumbai, who slipped while trying to board a moving train.

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