Video Of Couple Kissing Inside Delhi Metro Goes Viral; DMRC Responds

New Delhi: A video of a young couple kissing each other while sitting on the floor of a metro coach has gone viral on social media, following which the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has issued an appeal to its commuters to “refrain from indulging in such obscene activities”. . The DMRC has requested commuters to report such incidents “to the nearest available Metro staff/CISF immediately so that appropriate action can be taken”.

In the video, the girl is seen lying on the lap of the male youth sitting on the floor of the metro coach and soon they start getting intimate, the man kisses her on the lips.

The undated video has enraged several social media users who have urged the DMRC to take action against the couple, while some have questioned the idea of ​​filming the act.

Some social media users responded jokingly saying that he was “giving her CPR, what’s wrong with that?”.

delhi metro kissing video

Several videos shot in Delhi Metro coaches have gone viral over the past few months.

Meanwhile, the DMRC said in a statement that it “expects its commuters to behave responsibly and follow all social etiquettes and protocols accepted in the society while using the Delhi Metro.”

“Passengers should not indulge in any indecent/obscene activity which may cause inconvenience or offend the sensibilities of other fellow passengers. The Operation and Maintenance Act of DMRC has in fact made indecency a punishable offense under Section 59 lists in.”

The DMRC appealed to commuters to “refrain from indulging in such obscene activities and maintain social decorum/courtesy while traveling in public transport system like Delhi Metro”.