Video games madness in children: Expert opinion – tell the disadvantages of mobile to children as they explain before giving car-bike

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  • Tell the opinion of the experts to the children about the disadvantages of mobile in the same way as explain before giving the bike to the car.

8 hours agoWriters: Himanshu Pareek

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If children's sleeping, eating and real life schedules are disturbed, then understand that there is a beginning of addiction to games.  - Dainik Bhaskar

If children’s sleeping, eating and real life schedules are disturbed, then understand that there is a beginning of addiction to games.

Children are also not shying away from violent incidents to play mobile games. Two more days have passed since the incident of mother’s murder after she was stopped from playing PUBG in Lucknow that two more incidents have come to the fore. A teenager committed suicide by jumping in front of a train in Mumbai. He was prevented by his mother from playing the game. On the other hand, a class 10th student of Jhansi used to mix sleeping pills in his parents’ dinner so that he could play games all night. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Information Technology is formulating a new policy on online gaming. The draft may come out in the next three months. Cyber ​​psychology expert Nirali Bhatia is telling about the ill effects of mobile games on children.

Question: The reason behind playing violent mobile games?

answer: There is peer pressure on kids to try them. They like that people are losing to them. He is being respected in the gaming world. If they are angry with something, then they play these games to get angry.

Question: Being strict, fixing the age will be the solution?

answer: Being strict is not the solution. Nowadays, education is also being done through mobile, so it is difficult not to give mobile. There is no age to get addicted. Parents are unable to stop because they do not know what the child is doing. There is a lack of digital literacy. Have to be friendly with children. Make them an important part of the house so that there is no loneliness.

Question: How can I survive? How do you know if you are addicted?

answer: Before giving a car or bike to children, we explain about every risk and precaution, the same has to be done with mobile. Parents themselves have to be an example. If they themselves are engaged in mobile throughout the day, then it will be difficult to stop the children. Some rules have to be made regarding mobile use. It would be better if you take the opinion of children in this. This gives them a sense of responsibility.

If we talk about addiction, then addiction does not happen in a day. There are definitely some signs. If children’s sleeping, eating and real life schedules deteriorate, then understand that addiction is the beginning. Children also understand this, but they feel helpless. They don’t see any alternative to entertainment. By talking to them lovingly, spending time can help.

Question: If children are becoming criminals then this issue does not remain till the family. What can the government do in this?

answer: The government can do a lot. The biggest thing is why such content is being given to children? Why not a system to filter it like the Censor Board? The government should firmly stop children from being exposed to games.

Question: Why mobile game addiction has increased rapidly?

answer: The experience of mobile games is so real that they feel like different worlds. Children have a chance to choose, design and play their own character. Children make that character a part of life. This thing acts as an escape from real life. This world of screen becomes addiction.

Question: Effect on personality of children?

answer: Human physical and mental development should happen simultaneously, but these games develop the delicate mind of children by showing them the same type of violent content again and again in that direction. By using guns and killing people in games, they become aggressive and less emotional. I came across a case where a 29-year-old man was so impressed with the game that he sat on the roof of a Mumbai building as a sniper for three days. By playing these games for a long time, children can start behaving violently in the real world as well.

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