6 easy tips to get rid of bloating quickly

Do you often feel bloated? Don’t worry, this is one of the most common problems with many reasons behind it. The main reason behind abdominal pain and bloating can be excess gas in the intestines. This is usually a digestive problem, however, factors such as stress can also play a role. If the pain continues, you should visit your medical advisor for the best treatment. Bloating can also happen if you eat too fast, have a food intolerance, or have constipation that usually creates gas. You may also have temporary swelling during your period.

Here are six tips to reduce inflammation:

Limit consumption of food that triggers inflammation

Many people experience bloating due to consuming certain foods that contain high amounts of non-digestible compounds, such as broccoli, kale, baked beans and artificial sweeteners. Learn which foods trigger you and try to limit your consumption.

drink enough water

According to Matthew Bechtold, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of Missouri Health Care, drinking enough water will not only keep you hydrated but will also reduce bloating in the form of gas and constipation.

exercise regularly

Exercise is important for overall health. If you find it difficult to find time to hit the gym in the midst of your busy schedule, remember to take a walk regularly. Exercise not only helps us avoid rapid weight gain but also prevents water retention.

have your meals on time

Large gaps between the times of your meals can lead to gas formation. Eat small meals throughout the day and keep your breakfast with you. Even fruits or nuts will help prevent the problem of bloating.

Know your sodium intake

Salty snacks or foods high in sodium can also make you feel bloated. Too much salt can cause water retention, which in turn can make your stomach feel full.

Make greens your friend

You read that right! Make green leafy vegetables your friend Vegetables like spinach, lettuce and kale are good sources of insoluble fiber that helps reduce gas and bloating. You can have them as your salad or add them to your soups as well.

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