Video calls: Facebook Messenger gets a new AR feature for video calls – Times of India

Facebook there is a new addition group effect Messenger facility that everyone has a . will let in video call Enable AR Effects. As part of the feature, over 70 new effects have been added to Messenger. These effects also include games that prompt you to compete with participants in a video call to make the best burger.
New feature messenger calls and . added to both messenger room And will also be launched on the Instagram platform. The group effect feature can be availed by tapping on the smiley face icon group video call, which will open an effects tray for you to choose from.
The addition of new features for group calls indicates that Facebook isn’t slacking off its competition with other platforms that offer AR games. Snapchat. And despite the fact that people are getting tired of video calls and are looking for alternatives like podcasts, video calls are not going out of fashion anytime soon. The pandemic is still here and it may take a long time for a large segment of the coronavirus-aware population to realize that they no longer need to video call friends and family.
Facebook also plans to expand the Group Effects feature by giving more creators and developers access to the new Spark AR Multipeer API. “With the Spark Multipeer API, all creators and developers can create dynamic, real-time interactive effects for large audiences and transform people’s video calling experience,” Facebook said in a blog post.
