Vice Presidential Election: Opposed to jointly fielding candidates; LOP Mallikarjuna called a meeting on July 17

A non-Congress person would be the Vice President
Image Source: PTI A non-Congress person would be a candidate for vice president.

Vice President Election 2022: The United Opposition will field its candidate for the Vice Presidential election. In this regard, Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge has called a meeting on July 17 to discuss the specifics of the elections.

According to sources, the opposition will field a non-Congress face as the vice-presidential candidate. The candidate fielded by the opposition for the presidential election was also a non-Congress face.

In 2017, Gopal Krishna Gandhi was the opposition’s candidate for the Vice Presidential election. However, he lost as the opposition did not have the numbers. The last election was termed by the opposition as an ideological battle.

The opposition in the presidential election seems to be divided as several non-NDA parties, including the Shiv Sena, have supported the candidature of Draupadi Murmu, the NDA’s candidate for the presidential election.

In fact the JMM, with which the Congress is running the government in Jharkhand, cannot support Yashwant Sinha. The Trinamool Congress, however, said it would have supported Murmu if the government had informed the opposition about the candidate’s name.

According to sources, the government has not yet reached the opposition by any name, the election for the post of vice-president will be held on August 6 and the last date for nomination is July 19.

Read also: The election of the new Vice President of India will be held on August 6, 2022

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