Vastu Tips For Your Bedroom That May Improve Your Love Life

Changing things according to Vastu Shastra can improve your intimate life and you and your partner can feel positive and energetic in the bedroom.

Changing things according to Vastu Shastra can improve your intimate life and you and your partner can feel positive and energetic in the bedroom.

Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, is based on the belief that the placement and arrangement of objects in a space can affect energy.

Having a sad intimate life in the bedroom can be a harrowing experience for individuals and couples alike. It can affect various aspects of one’s life, including emotional well-being, self-esteem, and overall relationship satisfaction. This can be affected by the placement of things in your bedroom. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian architectural science, is based on the belief that the placement and arrangement of objects in space can influence the flow of energy, and affect various aspects of life, including health, wealth and relationships. According to this, when objects are placed in specific directions and positions, they can harmonize energy flow and create a positive environment that promotes well-being and prosperity as well as your intimate life.

Here are some Vastu tips to improve your intimate life in the bedroom:

  1. Bed Placement: According to Vastu, the bed should be placed in the southwest corner of the bedroom. It is considered an ideal place for a bed, as it is believed to enhance intimacy and stability in relationships. Try investing in wooden beds instead of steel or iron beds, which can bring negative energy into the room.
  2. Bedroom colors: The colors used in the bedroom can have an impact on intimacy. Vastu suggests using soft, soothing colors like light pink, pastel shades or earthy colors in the bedroom. Avoid using bright or bold colors, as they can be overly stimulating and disrupt the peaceful atmosphere.
  3. Mirror: Avoid mirror in the bedroom, especially in front of the bed. Mirrors are believed to reflect energy and can inhibit intimacy in relationships.
  4. Lighting: It plays an important role in setting the mood in the bedroom. Vastu recommends using soft, warm lighting in the bedroom, such as bedside lamps or dimmers, to create a relaxing and romantic ambiance.
  5. Clutter-free space: Keep the bedroom clean and clutter-free, as a cluttered space can create negative energy and affect intimacy. Clean and organize your bedroom regularly to promote a sense of peace and harmony.
  6. Electronics: Limit the use of electronics in the bedroom, such as the TV, computer, or exercise equipment. Electronics can emit electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with the energy flow in the bedroom and affect intimacy.

Changing things according to Vastu Shastra can improve your intimate life and you and your partner can feel positive and energetic in the bedroom.

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