Varanasi airport announces in Sanskrit, internet reaction – watch video

Adding a new language, the announcements at Lal Bahadur Shastri Airport in Varanasi announced the Covid-19 warning in Sanskrit language. A video of the incident was posted on the internet and it caught the attention of netizens. Moreover, the announcements in the new language have created a stir on the internet among netizens who are used to hearing them in Hindi and in English language.

Video of announcements in Sanskrit via the official Twitter handle of Varanasi Airport. The video shows passengers moving around at the airport while officials make announcements in Sanskrit. The caption of the video posted on Twitter read in Hindi, “Now after English and Hindi at Varanasi airport, COVID norms are being announced in Sanskrit too. At the airport for our respected passengers. As soon as they arrive , they will feel that they have entered the previous place of Kashi-Sanskrit language.”

Several users have reacted to the video, with some users supporting the addition of language to the announcements, while others protesting and criticizing the change. One of the users commented on the post, referring to the announcements made in Sanskrit saying, “Who will understand”. While many other users suggested the inclusion of other languages ​​in the announcements made at the airport.

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Singer TM Krishna commented on the post saying, “Let us also include Pali and Prakrit. Sarnath is the place where Buddha gave his first sermon, and Ashoka erected his most iconic pillar! Contents in both languages. What a huge fund! The sheer absurdity of declaring public health protection in Sanskrit!”