Valentine’s Day 2023: Easy Couple Yoga Poses For You And Your Partner

The foundation of partner yoga includes developing communication and trust which are the cornerstones of a healthy, intimate and successful relationship.  (Image: shutterstock)

The foundation of partner yoga includes developing communication and trust which are the cornerstones of a healthy, intimate and successful relationship. (Image: shutterstock)

Studies show that by engaging in couples yoga, you can be more open with your partner, promoting longevity, a healthier lifestyle, lower levels of stress, and a greater sense of purpose in life. Can

dinner dates, movie nights, Netflix Chill out, a walk in the park, and a hot cup of coffee all make excellent date ideas. But what about living and practicing yoga with your partner? You probably haven’t thought of this yet. By engaging in a couple yoga practice, you not only become more empathetic but also comfortable and supportive of each other.

The foundation of partner yoga includes developing communication and trust which are the cornerstones of a healthy, intimate and successful relationship. If you are confused about which yoga asanas you can try, we are here to help you. View our list below:

1. Back-to-Back Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Yoga beginners can benefit greatly from this position as you get the support of your partner. Chair pose is an excellent way to improve ankle mobility while strengthening the muscles in your thighs and legs. Transitioning from standing to sitting using your partner’s assistance helps build trust between the two of you.

How to do: Stand back-to-back with your arms at your sides. Slowly lower yourself to the ground so that you appear to be sitting on a chair. After bending your knees to a 90-degree angle, take five to six slow breaths. Lift the top of your head and keep your spine long, pressing down evenly with both feet. Press into each other to straighten legs as you exhale.

2. Reverse Warrior Partner Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana)

Take a deep breath and as you exhale, transition into reverse warrior position by raising one arm overhead and reaching back for your partner’s hand, forming a heart shape in the middle of your unifying pose. If you can’t hold your partner’s hand, use a yoga strap. Put the other hand behind the waist. Press down on your partner’s leg and focus on your breathing.

3. Sitting Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

This twist asana is an excellent natural detox for the body. By rotating the torso the other way, which acts as a jerking motion for the internal organs, the body’s accumulated poisons can be exhaled.

How to do: Take a deep breath while sitting facing opposite directions. While exhaling, slowly turn in the opposite direction to each other. With one hand on your opposite knee and the other reaching back for your partner, make a fist. If you can’t find it, use a yoga strap. Allow your breath to sync up with your partner’s rhythm once again, and feel how it feels to have their support as you move into the pose.

4. Temple Pose (Utkata Konasana)

This pose opens the shoulders and chest, thereby strengthening your upper body.

How to do: Begin by facing each other and with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale and raise your arms up, then slowly bend forward at the hips until you meet your partner’s hands. Once in this position, gently bend down, reaching your elbows, forearms and hands over your partner’s. You should be putting equal weight on each other, pressing into your arms and hands. Stop for a few breaths.

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