Vadodara: Dalit stopped from performing Garba, 4 arrested Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: Four persons, including a woman, were arrested on Monday for not allowing a Dalit woman and her niece to attend the rally. Garba Savli Taluka in Pilol Village.
According to the complainant Vinod, his nephew’s wife Padma and his niece Tripti had gone to their village to play Garba on October 10. Star Parmar asked them to leave the venue. He was reportedly told that he could not attend the Garba along with other villagers. Being humiliated, Padma and Tripti left from there. Although Vinod present there tried to call the sarpanch to intervene but the sarpanch did not listen to Vinod.
Later, three other accused – Chhatrasinh Parmar, Mukesh Parmar And Lala Parmar – approached Vinod and abused him. The trio told Vinod that they got into a dispute that women of their community could not play Garba with the people of their community. Vinod went to the Savli police station and lodged a complaint against Chhatrasingh, Mukesh, Lala and Tara for using obscene words.
Additional forces were deployed in Pilol village on Monday to ensure that the situation does not escalate and spread to neighboring villages.
