Vaccine for children soon: Zydus Cadila’s corona vaccine trial almost complete, vaccination may start after a month

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  • Zydus Cadila’s corona vaccine trial almost complete, vaccination expected to start in late July or August

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Vaccine preparations for them have intensified amid reports of rising cases of the Delta+ variant of corona in the country and children being affected more in a possible third wave. Currently, India Biotech’s Covaxin, Pfizer and Zydus Cadila are close to getting vaccine approvals.

President of the Kovid Working Group, Dr. NK Arora said on Sunday that the trial of Zydus Cadila’s vaccine is almost complete. By the end of July or in August we can start vaccinating children between the ages of 12 and 18.

Target to do one crore doses every day
He said that ICMR has come up with a study. It added that the third wave is likely to be late. We have 6-8 months to vaccinate everyone in the country. In the coming days, our target is to inject 1 crore doses every day.

AIIMS Chief said – Schools can be opened for children with the arrival of vaccine
AIIMS Chief Dr. Randeep Guleria says that the arrival of corona vaccine for children will be an achievement like achieving a milestone. This will open the way for the reopening of schools and resumption of outdoor activities. Guleria said this in a conversation with news agency PTI on Saturday.

three vaccines for children

  • The results of Phase 2 and 3 trials of Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin on children aged 2 to 18 years are expected by September. After approval from the drug regulator, a vaccine for children could come to India around that time.
  • If Pfizer’s vaccine is approved earlier, it could also be an option for children.
  • According to a senior government official, Zydus Cadila may also soon apply to the Drugs Controller General of India for emergency use approval for its corona vaccine ZyCoV-D. The company claims that this vaccine can be given to both adults and children.

There is a lot of damage to the education of children, so it is necessary to open the school
Dr. Guleria said that if Zydus vaccine is approved, then we will have another option. However, most cases in children are of mild infection, he said. And some don’t even show any symptoms. However, they can be carriers of infection.

He said that due to the pandemic, there has been a big loss in studies in the last one and a half years. So schools have to be reopened. Vaccination can play an important role in this. This is the only way to avoid this pandemic.

25 to 26 crore doses needed for children
A National Expert Group has been formed to review corona infection in children, find new ways to deal with the epidemic and strengthen preparedness for it. On the issue of vaccination of children, Dr. VK Paul, Member (Health) of NITI Aayog recently said that this group is not small. I estimate that the number of children in the age group of 12 to 18 years is about 13 to 14 crores. For this we will need 25-26 crore doses.

The government has recently warned that even though the corona has not affected children much so far, such cases may increase if the behavior of the virus changes. However, preparations are being made to deal with any such situation.

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