Uttarakhand: Grandmother fights off leopard in Tehri, saves 4-year-old granddaughters

Uttarakhand: Grandmother fought with leopard in Tehri, saved her life
Image Source : PTI (Representational Image) Uttarakhand: Grandmother fights leopard in Tehri, saves 4-year-old granddaughter

Uttarakhand: A 58-year-old grandmother heroically saved her two granddaughters from a leopard attack at Aabki village in Tehri district. According to information, the leopard attacked two 4-year-old children on Wednesday night when Chandrama Devi was present in the verandah of the house with her granddaughters.

Goddess faced leopard attack

Some local people told that the grandmother (devi) fearlessly faced the attack of the wild animal and protected her granddaughters. He pulled back and protected his grandchildren but the leopard pounced on the goddess and tried to drag her away. According to village head Shivraj Ramola, Devi’s family reached the spot on hearing her cries and scared the leopard away. The goddess got injured in the leopard attack.

Devi was taken to the nearest medical center

Thereafter, Devi was taken to a nearby medical centre. Initially, he received first aid. Later, she was referred to another medical facility, Himalayan Hospital in Dehradun.

According to a TOI report, Devi is currently undergoing treatment at the Himalayan Hospital. The hospital professionals told that he had some injuries on his face. Fortunately, the injuries are not life threatening. His condition is now said to be stable and he has been examined by a plastic surgeon. He has got seven-eight stitches on his face and is expected to be discharged soon.

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