Uttarakhand: After the assurance of the CM, the priests of Char Dham took out the agitation against the Devasthanam Board.

Following an assurance from Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, priests of Char Dham temples on Saturday temporarily withdrew their agitation to dissolve the Devasthanam Board. He said that the high powered committee looking into the issue of Devasthanam Board.

Priests of Himalayan temples have long been demanding the dissolution of the board, which they see as an encroachment on their rights. Formed during the Chief Ministership of Trivendra Singh Rawat, the Devasthanam Board is mandated to run the affairs of 51 temples, including the Char Dham, in Uttarakhand.

However, soon after taking over, former chief minister Tirath Singh Rawat announced during the Kumbh that the temples would be taken out of the board’s control. But he had to step down before he could speak. “The chief minister assured us that our rights would be intact. We will get representation in the high powered committee looking into the issue of Devasthanam Board and our concerns will be addressed.”

“On his assurance that the issue will be resolved by October 30, we have decided to suspend our agitation till then,” he said. Dhami said that the government will take a decision in the interest of the state. The high powered committee headed by Manohar Kant Dhyani submitted its report.

He said he hoped the committee would listen to the priests and find a solution to the issue. “Dhyani ji has worked among the priests throughout his life. The sole purpose of setting up the committee is to listen to the priests.”

Dhami said that the infrastructural development of Char Dham is the responsibility of the state government. Starting the Char Dham Yatra is also a priority. Char Dham Mahapanchayat member Umesh Sati said the priests would decide their future course of action based on the outcome of the government’s efforts.

“We have high hopes from the young chief minister… Our next course of action will depend on the outcome of the current efforts,” he said.

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