Uttar Pradesh: Woman set on fire in Mahoba | Kanpur News – Times of India

Mahoba: A 30-year-old woman was allegedly set on fire by the parents of a man, against whom the victim has filed a molestation case.
Angered by the registration of a case against the son, the parents of the accused poured kerosene on the woman and set her on fire. Kulpahar Police Station SDR SHO Mahendra Pratap Singh Referring to the complaint.
The condition of the woman is critical and has been admitted to the medical college. Jhansi.
“On Saturday, she had registered a case of assault and molestation against her neighbor. The accused was taken into custody. The girl, in a statement to the police later, said that the parents of the accused, angry over the registration of the case, said in a statement to the police. Poured kerosene and set it on fire.” sho Said.
The SHO said that the accused’s mother has been taken into custody and the matter is being investigated.


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