USA biggest threat to global cyber security: China

us china cyber security threat
Image Source: AP

USA biggest threat to global cyber security: China

Amid strained ties between Washington and Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday that the United States is “the biggest threat to global cyber security.”

Weinbin said during a press briefing, “As the facts have proven time and again, it is the US that is forcing companies to install backdoors and obtain user data in violation of relevant regulations. America itself The top threat to global cyber security.”

Weinbin said the US has long been leveraging its advanced technological capability to conduct aggressive surveillance on people at home and abroad, steal various types of data and violate all kinds of privacy.

“The Patriot Act, adopted after 9/11, requires cyber companies to offer regular updates on user information. The move has attracted a lot of attention from around the world. France’s CNIL decided in December last year that The French websites of Google and Amazon violated relevant French law by placing cookies on users’ computers without obtaining prior consent and without providing sufficient information. Previously, Ireland allowed Facebook to block the transmission of EU user data to the US. Was asked to suspend,” he added.

“We call on the international community to jointly highlight and reject US practices that threaten global cyber security and undermine global rules,” he said.

Relations between Washington and Beijing were strained when the US took a sharp protest stance against China over a range of issues, including marking the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the human rights exploitation of Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province.

(with ANI inputs)

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