US Jewish orgs urge House to pass foreign aid bill providing Israel with more than $26 billion

Political and community Jewish organizations are urging members of the US House of Representatives to pass the highly anticipated series of aid bills that will help Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) released the text of the bills on Wednesday afternoon and the vote is anticipated to take place Saturday night. 

More than $26 billion will be provided to Israel in its effort to defend itself against Iran and its proxies and to reimburse US military operations in response to recent attacks, according to a breakdown of the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act from the House Appropriations Committee. 

$4 billion will be allocated to replenish the Iron Dome and David’s Sling missile defense systems, $1.2 billion for the Iron Beam defense system to counter short-range rockets and threats, and $3.5 billion for the procurement of advanced weapons systems, defense articles and defense services through the Foreign Military Financing Program. 

The supplemental will also provide flexibility for transfers of defense articles from US stockpiles held abroad to Israel. 

The Act will prohibit US funding of UNRWA

US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) takes questions during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, US. February 14, 2024. (credit: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS)

In a post on X, AIPAC said it urges every member of the House to vote for President Biden’s $14.3 billion emergency request for Israel. 

“Congress must stand with Israel as it confronts attacks from Iran and its proxies and fights to free the hostages held by Hamas,” AIPAC said. 

Republican Jewish Coalition

The Republican Jewish Coalition said it applauds House Republicans for moving forward on the urgently needed legislation. 

In a statement, RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman and CEO Matt Brooks said they are particularly appreciative of Speaker Mike Johnson whose “perseverance and determination” made the legislation possible. 

“We urge members of the House to swiftly move the bills forward by supporting adoption of the rule governing debate, rejecting amendments that would have the predictable effect of derailing the bill, and voting ‘Yes’ on final passage,” Coleman and Brooks said. 

In a statement, Jewish Federations of North America Eric Fingerhut said rarely does a legislative package carry such historic significance for the US and for the Jewish community. 

“In these frightening times, the House has the opportunity to help Israel protect herself in an increasingly hostile region and take critical steps to secure the safety of people of all faiths as we gather for worship and fellowship in our communities here at home.” Fingerhut said.