US eases travel advisory for India; All eyes are on when it lifts restrictions on travelers – Times of India

NEW DELHI: With the COVID situation improving significantly in India, the United States on Monday eased travel restrictions in the country for its citizens. America Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now classified India as “Level 2: Moderate” in the context of the pandemic, a change from the earlier and higher “Level 3: High”. It now remains to be seen when the US lifts restrictions imposed on travelers from India that were at the peak of the deadly second wave seen here earlier this summer.
NS US State Department Has updated its travel advisory for India keeping the country now in “Level 2”: Exercise extra caution. About a month ago, the US changed its travel advisory for India from the highest “Level 4: Do Not Travel” to “Level 3: Rethink Travel” as the COVID situation here eased. There are four travel advisory levels in the US, with Level 1 denoting the lowest risk on “taking normal precautions”.
“Released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)” Level 2 Travel Health Information for India due to COVID-19, indicates moderate level of COVID-19 in the country. Your risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be lower if you are fully vaccinated FDA Authorized vaccine,” the US State Department said in its travel advisory for India updated on Monday.
On May 4, when India was at the peak of a deadly second Covid wave, the US banned travelers from India with effect from May 4, 2021. It had decided to “restrict and suspend” the entry of non-US citizens/residents. with few exceptions) who were physically present in India during the period of 14 days prior to entering or attempting to enter the United States.
Now that the US has acknowledged that India’s COVID situation has improved, it remains to be seen when it lifts the ban on travelers from the country.
Earlier this year during the second wave, several countries banned travelers from India. Some people like the UK, Germany, Switzerland, France and the Maldives have started taking it up. Other countries like the US, Canada and Singapore are yet to lift them.


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