Uri Geller uses NFTs to raise money to save a child’s heart

Israeli mystic Uri Geller has taken his talents to the NFT world and is helping to raise money for the Israeli charity Save a Child’s Heart.

Geller has recently entered the world of NFTs – non-fungible tokens, or unique packages of digital information – which have become a popular phenomenon around the world, and often accumulate very high price tags.

Recently they have been auctioned NFT From his original artwork.

The series titled “11 Flowers” features 11 unique flower illustrations created from her own collection. The first such image, “Flower 1,” was recently auctioned on OpenSea and sold for 1 Ethereum (about $3,400).

save a child’s heart is a charity that has been working for more than 25 years to help bring life-saving cardiac care to children around the world, and Geller has raised money for them in the past.

“All my life in my little humble way I tried to help sick kids,” Geller told Jerusalem Post.

“I was amazed by the extraordinary work of Save a Child’s Heart. So far, more than 5,600 children’s lives have been saved. I ask you to help too. Blessings to you all and Gamar Chatima Tova! You may be signed.” and sealed in the book of life.”

President Reuven Rivlin visits children treated for Save a Child's Heart(Credit: Mark Niemann/GPO)President Reuven Rivlin visits children treated for Save a Child’s Heart(Credit: Mark Niemann/GPO)

Gellar is known as a psychic and a psychic with a career spanning over 50 years. He popularized the spoon bending feat, which has since become synonymous with psychics, and even has his abilities tested and verified by the CIA.

But what many people don’t know about Geller is his talent for artistry. He has always had a passion for original artwork of its kind and has also worked with such artistic luminaries as David Hockney and Salvador Dalí, whom Geller considered his mentors.

He has been credited with designing the logo for the popular 90s boyband NSYNC, which brought Justin Timberlake to fame, and also the artwork for Michael Jackson’s final album, Invincible.