UPSC Result 2021: Final result of civil services examination declared, Shruti Sharma secured first position

UPSC Result 2021: Women in top 4 for the first time

Shruti Sharma has topped the exam and became the IAS topper in 2021. For the first time, all the top 4 ranks have been given to women.

In UPSC 2020 result, Shubham Kumar from Bihar had cleared AIR 1 to become the UPSC topper. UPSC marksheet for the candidates will be released soon on the official website

UPSC Result 2021: A total of 685 candidates have been selected

A total of 685 candidates have been selected on the basis of performance in mains and personality test. A total of 749 vacancies were reported, out of which 180 would be in IAS cadre, 37 in IFS, 200 in IPS, 242 in Central Services Group A and 90 in Group B Services.

The toppers have been selected on the basis of their performance in all the three rounds – Prelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview Round conducted by UPSC.

UPSC Result 2021: The interview process was conducted from April 5 to May 26