UPSC Civil Services Personality Test: How to prepare for the interview round?

Interview stage is the final hurdle for a candidate to get selected Union Public Service Commission Civil Services Examination (UPSC CSE), A total of 275 marks are allotted for the interview. This is around 14 per cent of the total 2025 marks. Interview is an important deciding factor to get place in UPSC merit list.

Wajahat Habibullah, former Chief Information Commissioner of India and member of UPSC’s CSE Interview Board, suggests that honest communication is the key to succeed in a personality interview. To polish the interview preparation of the candidates, he stressed that if a candidate is not honest in answering the questions, the members of the interview board can usually spot it easily. The things you need to be aware of while preparing for the personality test are:

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be alert

The members of the interview board want to test the suitability of the candidate for civil services. The knowledge of the aspirant has already been tested in the earlier stages. So, a candidate must try to improve their personality for this stage of the exam. The board tests the candidate for qualities like mental alertness, decision making ability and integrity. Candidates must strive to display these qualities in order to leave a positive impression on the interviewers.

opinion over facts

Candidates are expected to have a well-formed opinion on various issues. The board is looking for people who are capable of sound application of mind. It is advised that candidates read several newspapers.

Research about interview board members

The Chairman of each Interview Board is a member of the Commission. It’s good to research them. In this way, you can build a certain understanding of the questions being asked. One can also study interview transcripts of previous years candidates (available online) for boards headed by different members of UPSC.

Prepare Your DAF Well

It is important to prepare the DAF in detail. Sometimes, up to 80 percent of one’s interviews are focused on the DAF alone. Candidates need to be ready to answer questions regarding their previous academic background, their graduation subject, professional life etc. Candidates are expected to display a general awareness of their home state and a detailed knowledge of their hobbies and extra-curricular activities.

Reasons for the goal of civil services

Candidates need to be ready with the reasons for their decision to make a career in civil services. They may be asked to explain their decision to change careers. It is advised that candidates give individual answers to such questions.

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practice makes a person whole

It is important to practice giving interview with UPSC before your date. It helps in gaining confidence. This will also help you identify your shortcomings. It is best to practice interviews with experienced persons, preferably former UPSC Interview Board members and other senior civil servants. Their feedback will help you give relevant and concise answers.

UPSC CSE Interview usually lasts for around half an hour. Board members do not intend to make any candidate uncomfortable. In fact, they usually put candidates at ease. Their purpose is to have a conversation to get to know you better. That is why it is important to face them with a confident and smiling face. A calm personality and an intelligent conversation will surely make it one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

-Written by Pranay Agrawal, Convener of Indian Civil Services Association

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