UPSC Civil Services Interview: Weird Questions Asked and How Candidates Answered

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services Examination (CSE) interview round is one of the toughest personality tests to crack at all India level. The commission has already released the admit card of UPSC CSE main exam which will start from 7th January. Those who will crack the Mains will be called as Interview Round.

On the social question-answer website Quora, several UPSC aspirants have interviewed who wrote about the weirdest questions asked in the exam and how they answered it.

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Tanya Aggarwal, who appeared for the interview in 2020, said that she was asked about the pros of snooping. To which she replied, “Back in school, my mother used to spy on me to check whether I was studying well or not. I believe his intentions behind spying were only for my good!” He also explained spying in terms of state surveillance and the balance between national security and personal privacy.

Another user, Giri Prasad M, was asked how he felt looking at a switch board on the right side of the room. “I can only control the light above with this switch but not my life. Life is as complicated as your question,” the user replied.

Rohan Katakam gives some insight into some of the weirdest questions asked by the candidates during the UPSC CSE Interview Round. It also includes:

Question: Adarsh ​​and Anupam (twins) were born in May, but their birthday is in June. How can this be?

Answer: May is the name of the place.

Q: How do you drop a raw egg on a concrete floor without breaking it?

A: Concrete floors are very hard to crack.

Q: What does half an apple look like?

A: The other half of it.

Q: How do you lift an elephant with one hand?

A: You will never find an elephant with one hand.

Question: How can a man go without sleep for eight days?

Answer: By sleeping at night.

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On the other hand, another user Sourav shared another strange question in which it is written, Jamie saw his reflection on the 45th floor mirror. Driven by an irrational impulse, he jumped out the window on the other side. Yet Jamie did not suffer a single injury. How could this be possible if he neither landed on a soft surface nor used a parachute? The answer would be Jamie is a window cleaner who got tired of cleaning the windows on the 45th floor and thus jumped inside the building.

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