UP: Monkeys snatch child and throw it in water tank in Baghpat

UP: Monkeys snatch child and throw it in water tank in Baghpat
Image Source: PTI

UP: Monkeys snatch child and throw it in water tank in Baghpat

In a shocking incident, a group of monkeys grabbed a two-month-old baby from the roof of their house in Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat and threw the baby into a water tank. The incident happened on Sunday and the child died.

According to reports, the child Keshav Kumar was sleeping next to his grandmother in a room on the terrace with the door open.

The monkeys entered the room and dragged the child out.

When the grandmother found the child missing, she raised an alarm and the family started searching for the child. Later he was found floating in a water tank.

The child’s parents said that the monkeys had earlier tried to take away their child, but the attempt was thwarted by alert relatives.

Chandinagar station house officer (SHO) OP Singh said, “Monkey menace is a big issue and we are informing forest officials to take necessary action.”

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