UP Congress will protest against Yogi government on the anniversary of Quit India Movement

yogi adityanath
Image Source: File Photo/PTI

As part of the campaign, Congress workers will march in all the 403 assemblies of the state raising slogans of ‘BJP Gaddi Chhoro’.

Intensifying its attack against the Yogi Adityanath government, the Uttar Pradesh unit of the Congress will march in all 403 constituencies in the state on Monday, the anniversary of the start of the Quit India Movement, to protest on issues like price rise, unemployment. , the “pain” of the farmers and the law and order situation.

“On August 9, the anniversary of the launch of the ‘Quit India Movement’, Congress workers will protest against the Yogi government by raising slogans on various issues – ‘BJP Gaddi Choro (BJP, Quit the seat of power)’,” party sources said. .

On August 9, 1942, the Quit India Movement was launched under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, which resulted in the country’s independence from British rule five years later on August 15, 1947.

He said Congress leaders and workers are preparing for a two-day campaign on August 9-10 during which various protests, including marches, will be held.

Sources said that as part of the campaign, Congress workers will march in all 403 assemblies of the state raising slogans of ‘BJP Gaddi Chhoro’.

He said that to ensure the success of the campaign, various responsibilities have been assigned to the officials of the State Unit as well as the officers of the Nyaya Panchayat.

He said that 400 leaders have been given the responsibility to make the assembly-wise march successful.

Along with this, the potential candidates of the assembly elections have also been asked to make every effort for this program.

Sources said that a ‘BJP Gaddi Chhodho’ march will be taken out for about five kilometers through the main market of each assembly constituency.

He said that Congress is giving priority to organization building and is taking forward the struggle against the government on the streets.

The process of organizational restructuring of the UP Congress is in its final stage and the newly appointed block presidents have formed their own 25-member committees in all 823 blocks of the state.

Sources said that the number of these block level officials is 20,575.

Along with this, the target of appointment of 8,134 Nyaya Panchayat Presidents has been accomplished by the UP Congress.

Sources said that the formation of 21 member Nyaya Panchayat Samitis has also been almost completed.

Congress state unit chief Ajay Kumar Lallu has said that the Congress will contest next year in Uttar Pradesh under the “supervision” of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and the party will return to the state under her leadership. After more than three decades.

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