United Torah Judaism MK: Women serving in the IDF are not ‘human nature’

United Torah Judaism MK Uri Maklevi took to Knesset Plenum on Wednesday to speak about the protests against women serving in the IDF, and in particular in combat roles.

“A man’s way is to fight, a woman’s way is not to fight,” he said. “In nature—healthy, in human nature—women don’t fight, and for many years we’ve adhered to the claim that fighting is men’s job. No matter how much you try and resist human nature, it won’t help.” . “

Maklev also referred to a recent social media post shared by Labor leader Merv Micheli in which he said that women are more easily chilled than men to bolster their argument, adding that “here Even the transport minister who has promoted gender equality over the years understands that there are huge differences between men and women.”

During her time as deputy transport minister in 2020, McLew advocated for the enforcement of gender segregation on buses in the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) region, and urged women to sign agreements that specifically empower them. Will force you to sit at the back of the bus. “It’s a fair system, it’s not discrimination but for the benefit of women,” he said in an interview with Haredi newspaper bahahila (in the community) at that time.

the issue of women working in idf The issue has long been a contentious topic for ultra-Orthodox parties in the Knesset. In May 2021, Noam leader MK Avi Maoz demanded that the IDF Gender Affairs Unit be dismantled because it “mortally injures” the IDF’s values.

Despite this, however, according to a Na’amat survey conducted by Geocartography Knowledge earlier this year, more than 70% of the broader Israeli society supports the idea of ​​women serving in combat roles in the IDF, and only 11 % believe that women should not serve in the IDF at all

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