United Samaj Morcha got the election symbol: Manja means that the farmers’ organizations of Punjab will contest the elections on the cot; SSM was demanding tractor symbol

Chandigarh5 minutes ago

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In Punjab, the election symbol has been allotted to the United Samaj Morcha (SSM) by the Election Commission. In Punjab, the farmers’ front will fight the elections on the manja i.e. cot. Earlier, the demand for tractor was being made by the United Samaj Morcha as an election symbol. However, his demand could not be fulfilled.

Even before this, the farmers had to work hard to get their front registered. He had even leveled allegations against the Election Commission. However, after the nomination was over, the Election Commission approved the United Samaj Morcha as a political organization.

Farmers got election symbol

Farmers got election symbol

Farmers on the way to assembly from Singhu border

There are 22 farmer organizations contesting the elections in Punjab. These are the same organizations which struggled against the agrarian reform laws for more than a year on the Singhu border of Delhi. After the law was withdrawn, he came to Punjab and announced to contest the elections. The farmers are contesting the elections under the leadership of Balbir Rajewal. Along with the United Samaj Morcha of Punjab’s farmers, Haryana’s farmer leader Gurnam Chadhuni is also in the fray by forming an alliance with the Samyukta Sangharsh Party.

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