UN envoy arrives in Kabul after meeting Taliban officials in Doha: report

Acceptance: According to reports, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ Special Representative for Afghanistan Deborah Leon has arrived in Kabul after a meeting with Taliban officials in Qatar.

He met with the Haqqani Network’s new interior minister, Siraj Haqqani, and stressed the “absolute need” for the country to be able to function “without fear or impediment” to deliver significant assistance.

The UN office in Kabul said they discussed the importance of humanitarian aid, respect for the rights of women and girls, besides forming a coalition government during the meeting.

Reading: Formation of Afghan government: Infighting in Taliban over power-sharing, says report

According to sources, Lyons was also expected to meet during the visit with US special envoy for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad and Qatari officials, Reuters reported.

The visit comes at a time when peace talks in the Qatari capital are making little progress and violence is escalating in Afghanistan, with all Afghan sides and major regional players trying to build a consensus about alternative options. Used to be.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has previously said that the international community and the Taliban will need to find a way to deal with each other to stabilize Afghanistan.

The head of the UN refugee agency said the world was faced with a difficult choice, it needed to balance the threat that violence and anarchy faced against a political mine supporting a separate Afghanistan Taliban-led government. I will descend

“The international community has to balance pragmatism, the need to keep Afghanistan stable and viable, and political considerations, which will mean supporting the Taliban-led government,” he told the Associated Press in an interview on Tuesday.

A deal is urgently needed to avoid an economic downturn that causes violence and chaos, he said, adding that the collapse of the already weak Afghan economy would ripple through the country’s neighboring country and across the world.

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“I think the international community will have to adopt some of its more stringent rules of dealing with governments … and the Taliban will also have to compromise,” he said.

The Taliban, which captured the Afghan capital in mid-August, has announced a tough interim government led by Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund.
