Ukrainian family reunited in Louisville – Henry’s Club

Louisville, Q. (Wave) – Anna Talon’s children and parents are now safe in Louisville after fleeing Ukraine.

Her six- and four-year-old sons spent six months in Ukraine and left the country, escaping the war, the day before the airport closed. Her parents flew from Poland to Chicago on Sunday.

Talon’s sons still have memories of Ukraine, including schools, parks and buses. not violence.

“We don’t explain that to them,” she said. “They know the war is on, and they know the Russians are the bad guys right now.”

He has scary memories of his parents. Her disabled father, Valery, joined the Territorial Defense Forces at the start of the war and survived the bombing of a municipal building, which killed about 30 people.

His mother, Alla, still trembles at the sound of planes even in America

Anna said that her parents were in denial and did not talk about the devastation they had seen at home.

Anna Talone said, “Even when I saw that my mom was afraid of planes, she cleaned it up.” “I noticed she wasn’t well and she just mentioned it.”

Talone said her family hasn’t sent many photos because people are too sad to document the damage, destruction and death.

She also said that she doesn’t enjoy speaking her native language of Russian, and that she wants to speak Ukrainian instead.

“I think Putin could not do more harm to the Russian-speaking population, because no one wants to speak Russian anymore,” Talon said. “We are from the most Russian-speaking city in Europe and we hate it because it associates us with Putin.”

Her parents said they plan to stay for a few weeks or months, but Talone worries it may take years for her to return home.

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