Ukraine needs strong signal from EU, Macron said ahead of possible tour

President Emmanuel Macron took a tough stance on Russia on Wednesday, saying Europe needed to send a strong signal Ukraine As he sought to address concerns among Kyiv and some European allies over his past stance towards Moscow.

Macron arrived in Romania on Tuesday for a three-day visit to Ukraine’s eastern neighbors, including Moldova, before leaving for Kyiv on Thursday with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohannes, two diplomatic sources said. Were. ,

The symbolic visit will come a day before the European Commission makes a recommendation on Ukraine’s status as an EU candidate, something some of the biggest European countries have been lukewarm to and discussed at a leaders’ summit on 23-24 June. are ready for.

“We are at a point when we (Europeans) need to send clear political signals, we Europeans, to Ukraine and its people, when it is protesting valiantly,” Macron said without giving details.

The French leader has been criticized by Ukraine and Eastern European allies for what they regard as his vague support for Ukraine in the war against Russia.

French officials have sought to strengthen the public message in recent days, while Macron appeared to take a tougher stance on Tuesday evening when he was with his troops.

“We will do everything we can to stop Russia’s combat forces, help Ukrainians and their forces, and continue negotiations,” he told French and NATO troops at a military base in Romania.

Macron has said repeatedly in recent weeks that it is important not to “humiliate” Russia so a diplomatic solution can be found when the fighting ends and has continued to keep communication channels open with the Kremlin, more Instigated hardline allies.

Speaking with Iohannis, Macron played down those comments, but insisted that Ukraine, which he hoped to win the war, would eventually have to negotiate with Russia.

“We share a continent. Geography is stubborn and at its end is Russia. There was yesterday, there is today and there will be tomorrow.”

France leads a NATO battle group in Romania of about 800 soldiers, which includes 500 French soldiers along with others from the Netherlands and Belgium. Paris has also deployed a surface-to-air missile system.

Macron heads to Moldova later on Wednesday to support a country many fear the conflict in neighboring Ukraine could lead to.

Attention may turn to Kyiv on Thursday, with diplomatic sources saying European leaders could head to Ukraine’s capital.

Macron declined to comment on “logistic matters” but said it was important to hold new talks with Ukraine on military, financial matters and issues related to grain exports from the country.

Romania’s Iohannis said support should include granting Ukraine candidate status in the European Union.

“In my opinion, candidate status should be granted as soon as possible, it is a right solution from the ethical, economic and security point of view,” Iohannis said, adding that efforts were made to find a viable solution to the differences between the European powers.

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