UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson agrees to resign, say reports

LONDON (UK): After much drama and the resignation of his subsequent ministers, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is all set to announce his resignation as British Prime Minister, British media have reported. Johnson was abandoned by his newly appointed ministers and more than 50 others in a rebellion that left the government dangerously close to paralysis. Media reports said that with eight ministers, including two secretaries of state, resigned in the past two hours, an isolated and powerless Johnson was ready to bow to the inevitable and announced he was stepping down later.

BBC political editor Chris Mason said: “Boris Johnson will resign as leader of the Conservative Party today.” Boris Johnson conceded defeat after more than 40 ministers were asked to leave and leave the government. It was not immediately clear whether he would remain in office while the Conservative Party chooses a new leader and other facts such as who will replace him as prime minister. Downing Street reported that some reports have said Boris Johnson has agreed to stand as Tory leader and that he will remain PM until a new leader is elected.

After several days of fighting for his job, Johnson was dumped by all but a handful of colleagues. It was a far cry from when Johnson, 58, came to power in 2019, when he won a sizable majority, capturing votes in parts of Britain that even his finance minister, Nadim Zhawi, who is only had never supported his Conservative Party before it was appointed to him. Post on Wednesday, asked his boss to resign. “This is not sustainable and it will only get worse: for you, for the Conservative Party and most importantly for the country as a whole,” he said on Twitter. “You should do the right thing and go now.”

Jahavi did not say he had resigned, but did say he went to the prime minister’s office in Downing Street on Wednesday evening with cabinet colleagues and asked Johnson to “leave with dignity”, Reuters reported. “I am saddened that he did not listen and is now undermining the incredible achievements of this government,” Jahavi said in a letter. “The country deserves a government that is not only stable but works with integrity. Prime Minister, you know in your heart what is the right thing to do, and go now.”

Responding to the news, Leader of the Opposition Keir Starmer of the Labor Party said, “It is good news for the country that Boris Johnson has resigned as Prime Minister. But it should have happened much earlier. was unfit for office. He has been responsible for lies, scams and fraud on an industrial scale.”

(with inputs from agencies)