UK PM Johnson decides not to self-isolate after aide tests positive; spark against anger

Questions and anger were rising within the opposition party on Saturday over the decision not to self-isolate after an aide of Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive for COVID-19. Downing Street said the government’s 10-day lockdown for people who came into close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 after an employee tested positive following a visit by the UK prime minister to Scotland Will not follow quarantine guidance. Earlier this week, the visit is said to have been carried out in line with COVID protocols, and it is also claimed that Johnson was not in close contact with the positive case.

However, according to the Guardian, a senior government source told the newspaper that Johnson and the officer in question were together on several occasions. A Downing Street spokesman said: “The Prime Minister regularly visits communities in the UK and all aspects of the visits are carried out in line with COVID guidance.”

“The prime minister has not come in close contact with anyone who has tested positive,” the spokesperson said. But the opposition Labor Party accused Johnson of “causing reason to be above the rules”.

Current UK government guidance states that a person may be “close contact” if they have had a face-to-face conversation within one meter of someone who has tested positive. Or, they can occur within one meter for a minute without face-to-face contact, or within two meters of the person for more than 15 minutes. A 15-minute period can be counted as a single contact, or multiple contacts over the course of a day. The guidance says a person can also be a “close contact” if they have traveled in the same vehicle or aircraft in which the person is testing positive.

The civil servant in question is believed to have traveled with the prime minister on a Royal Air Force (RAF) seafarer between Glasgow and Aberdeen on Wednesday, and the BBC said a staff member was also reported to have accompanied him on a police visit. Is. Colleges in Fife. “It is clear that the prime minister has learned nothing from what happened last time, he has tried to cook up a reason for being above the rules,” said Labor Party chair Annelies Dodds.

“Senior conservatives are really taking the public for idiots. This is another example of one rule for them and another for everyone else,” she said. Johnson recently left a period of self-isolation after being identified as a contact with UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid, who tested positive last month.

Along with UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who was also identified as a contact, Johnson initially tried to escape the quarantine through Downing Street, a workplace daily test pilot. However, both Johnson and Sunak soon made a U-turn and entered into separation. His plan to participate in the scheme later attracted strong opposition reactions.

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