UK may be forced into Omicron circuit breaker lockdown: Reports – Times of India

A cyclist rides a bicycle to a 24-hour vaccination center in London (AFP).

LONDON: The UK government is reportedly planning a two-week short circuit breaker lockdown later this month after Christmas to try to keep pace with the fast-spreading Omicron version, media reports on Saturday. said.
According to The Times, draft rules are being worked out that would ban meeting inside individual homes except for work purposes and limited to outdoor service except in pubs and restaurants.
The Financial Times reported that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been presented with a number of options under the so-called Plan C, ranging from “mild guidance to nudges people through the lockdown”.
Minutes leaked from the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, accessed by the BBC, showed scientists warning ministers “too soon” to try and keep hospitalizations within manageable levels for the National Health Service stricter measures need to be brought in.
Reports of further lockdown restrictions come as the UK recorded another highest daily of 93,045 Covid-19 infections on Friday, up 4,669 cases from the previous record of 88,376 set on Thursday.
While the delta version is a staple in much of the country, Omicron has taken over in London and Scotland amid a surge.
The number of people in hospital with Kovid-19 in London has increased by 28.6 percent from the previous week to 1,534.
Meanwhile, half of adults in the UK have now received a Covid-19 booster dose after the program intensified this week in front of the Omicron edition, first detected in South Africa in November.
This week, online booking has opened for all adults as well as walk-in sites across the country.

