Two children infected with norovirus in Kerala: Health Ministry also alerts about virus spread through mid-day meal; Know the symptoms, ways to avoid

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  • Norovirus Kerala Case Updates; 2 school children test positive in Vizhinjam and Thiruvananthapuram

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After tomato flu, now norovirus infection has been confirmed in Kerala. Both the infected patients are children. Both these students studying in the primary school of Thiruvananthapuram are currently healthy, but according to the Kerala Health Ministry, people need to be alert.

According to news agency PTI, symptoms of food poisoning were seen in both the patients after eating mid-day meal at school, after which their samples were sent for examination.

Let us know what is norovirus, what are its symptoms and how dangerous it can prove to be for us.

What is norovirus?

According to the US health agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), norovirus is a rapidly spreading virus. Due to this people complain of vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is also called ‘stomach flu’ or ‘winter vomiting bug’. However, its illness is not related to the flu or influenza virus.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), norovirus is the number 1 food-borne virus and the fourth leading cause of food-related deaths.

How is norovirus spread?

Norovirus can infect a person not once, but repeatedly. It spreads through contaminated food or drink. Apart from this, there is a high possibility of spreading norovirus by touching an infected patient or his things. According to the CDC, one patient sheds billions of particles of norovirus.

How to avoid norovirus?

There is currently no vaccine available for norovirus. Therefore, infection can be avoided only by maintaining personal hygiene.

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap before eating and after using the toilet.
  • Avoid contact with animals.
  • Immediately wash hands with soap after coming into contact with an infected person.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them.
  • Do not let the body lack water.
  • If infected, stay at home for two days after symptoms are gone.
  • Avoid cooking for others if you are infected.

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