Two arrested for lynching a community dog ​​in Tuticorin. Chennai News – Times of India

Tuticorin: Police on Sunday arrested two persons for thrashing a dog in nearby Pikulam village. Sathankulam A video of three men thrashing a helpless animal near a road in Tuticorin district on Saturday went viral on social media. For a little over a minute, the video showed the black and white dog wagging its tail as the trio continued a series of blows with sticks until it was motionless.
Thereafter, the accused dragged his body to the side of Musalikulam road in full public view. This brutality was recorded by a person on his mobile phone from the other side of the road. This shocked the passers-by and animal lovers. Police have identified all three as Aai Sundari.


Das (30) and his friend S Isakimuthu alias Kotai (37) and P Kumari (32) All from Pikulam. Preliminary investigation revealed that a few days back the dog had attacked Das’s goat.
Police said that all three together killed him. Tuticorin district superintendent of police S Jayakumar said the video came to his notice and on his instructions a police team from Sathankulam police station conducted interrogation with the criminals on Sunday. He said that the accused did not cooperate with the police, after which the police picked them up and brought them to the police station for questioning.
Based on the complaint lodged by the sub-inspector, the three were booked under sections 429 (killing or maiming an animal), 353 (assault or criminal force to prevent public servant from discharging his duty) and 506 (ii) (criminal A case was registered under threat). Section 11(i)(l) of the Indian Penal Code (if any person kills any animal by any other unnecessarily cruel means) Animal Cruelty Prevention Act, 1960.
Some took up the issue with the Animal Welfare Board of India and animal rights bodies. Lakshmi ArunAn animal welfare activist said similar killings are taking place in Tirunelveli area by lynching and poisoning community dogs by shepherds. “We are running a signature campaign and will hand over representations to top police officers” Tirunelveli Range To put an end to such killings,” he said.
